My passion for painting

Hello everyone!

Thanks for visiting my newly open website. I am so thrilled that I can share my creative journey here. In addition to my brief introduction on the About page, I thought it makes sense to talk a little bit more about the history behind my paintings.

When I was young

My love for arts and crafts started from when I was very young.  I started using my mother’s sewing machine when I was six. I would make doll clothes, bags and other knick knacks. When I was in elementary school, I used to make packs of Christmas cards to send out to friends. I enjoyed the whole process of designing, making, packaging and distributing the cards. I decided that fabric is the medium I wanted to create with and chose to major in Clothing & Textiles at college. Meanwhile, I kept enjoying painting, and took art classes on and off. I have always stayed close to arts and crafts. Yet I had to come around a long way to realize that this is what I want to do for my life.

How I started painting again

In 2014 came my second child to the world. As much as I enjoyed being able to care for him all day every day, I was getting stressed and often frustrated with parenting. I was in desperate need of an outlet to release my frustrations. However, I foolishly thought that it was time to focus solely on my little ones and I had to postpone all my personal pursuits for later. One day, I heard that one of my friends was taking classes for baking and planned to make a business out of it. I was surprised as she also had two kids the same age as mine. It was that very moment I realized there is no such thing as a right time. If somebody else can do it, I can make time to do it too!

I will start whatever I wish to
R I G H T  N O W.

So that is when I picked up my brush and started painting. I found myself happier and more fulfilled when I painted. I grabbed every minute I could spare to paint – when my child was taking a nap during the day, when everybody fell asleep at night, or at any other chance I could get. My walls started to fill up slowly with beautiful colors and shapes. Just looking at them made me smile, and sometimes transported my mind to somewhere more peaceful. Of course there were times when my paintings didn’t turn out as I wished, and I felt lost at how to express things on paper. But I picked up the brush again and again, and kept on painting. A few years later, here I am continuing to paint and fill my surroundings with joyful colors.

I hope, through my paintings and creations, you can share my yearning for joy and peace.


My Very First Fabric Collection